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This package contains all reusable UI components and global style definition.

Most components are made by shadcn/ui. Please read below.

  • Directorysrc/
    • Directorycomponents/ Reusable UI components
      • button.tsx
      • card.tsx
      • input.tsx
    • Directorylib/
      • utils.ts clsx + tailwind merge utils
    • Directorystyles/ All global css files
      • base.css
      • globals.css
      • reset.css
    • components.json
  • package.json

Adding shadcn/ui components

Do not use the CLI. The shadcn/ui CLI is not made for a monorepo structure, at least not yet. Instead, follow the manual instructions.

  1. On the page of the component you want to add, go to the Manual tab of the Installation section. pnpm run dev

  2. Copy the code of the component into a new file of the name of the component into src/components.

    For example, a Button component would copied into packages/ui/src/components/button.tsx.

  3. Update the import path for the cn utility.

    By default, it’s imported from "@/lib/utils". We want to import it like this instead:

    import { cn } from "@karr/ui/lib/utils"

    This way the import works both from outside the package because of the @karr/ui package specifier, and inside the package thanks to the tsconfig path.

  4. If there are any, install the dependencies into @karr/ui directly, not in apps/web.


A CSS reset and some base utilities are defined in styles/

This CSS hierarchy follows the specifications of CUBE CSS.

This pretty much removes the need for breakpoints on certain parts like font sizes. That is a great thing because there are so many screen sizes nowadays, we can’t build specifically for each one. So building a style system that lets the browser decide, adapts and looks good for all sizes is golden.


Sort of a barrel file to import and place other files in layers.

Also contains the tailwind & shadcn/ui theme configuration.

The layers are block, utilities, base, theme, from strongest to lowest precedence.


Layer: base

Does a few modern CSS resets for more convenience when writing styles.


Layer: base

Defines body styling and basic CSS variables.


Layer: utilities

Defines more CSS variables for fluid typing and spacing.

This overrides Tailwindcss’ text-* classes with fluid sizing. No need for text-base md:text-lg lg:text-xl, the font size adjusts automatically to the screen size!


Layer: block

Defines block-scope properties.

For example, all headings get a base style, e.g. for h1:

h1 {
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: var(--tracking-s);
font-weight: bold;
font-family: var(--font-mono);
font-size: var(--size-step-5);
max-width: 20ch;

These can easily be overridden by specifying a Tailwind class.


The UI package has a few exports


Exports the globals.css file.

@import "@karr/ui/globals.css";

Exports the postcss-config.mjs file.


Exports any file in the lib directory.

import { cn } from "@karr/ui/lib/utils"

Exports any file in the components directory.

import { Button } from "@karr/ui/components/button"
import { Separator } from "@karr/ui/components/separator"

There are none for the moment, might come in later.